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Idaho Fish Report

Crooked River Updates

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Crooked River is flowing at 177 cfs below Bowman Dam. Fly anglers report good fishing with dry-dropper setups.

Deschutes District analyzed data from Crooked River fish population monitoring using mark-recapture methods and boat electrofishing. The 2022 estimate for redband trout and mountain whitefish were just over 2,000 and 7,000 fish/mile, respectively. This is slightly below average for trout and higher than average for whitefish. In anticipation of a shortened irrigation season, ODFW staff are monitoring flow and water quality conditions in the Crooked River downstream of Bowman Dam.

Crooked River anglers may encounter bull trout now that there is volitional passage at Opal Springs. Anglers who catch a bull trout should release it unharmed and report their catch to the US Fish and Wildlife Service at crookedbulltrout@fws.gov.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, August 18th, 2022
ODFW Recreation Report
Anthony Lake: Fishing at Anthony Lake may be a bit slower than previous years
Balm Creek Reservoir: Earlier this year, Balm Creek Reservoir was stocked with fingerling trou
Phillips Reservoir: The reservoir only filled to about ΒΌ full before beginning to drain again
Pilcher Reservoir: Pilcher Reservoir still has a decent amount of water
Thief Valley Reservoir: The reservoir is currently only 33 percent full
Unity Reservoir: Unity Reservoir has been dropping throughout the summer and is about 1/2 full
Wolf Creek Reservoir: Continues to have a decent amount of water in it
Ben Irving Reservoir: Bass fishing is has been good at Ben Irving
Coos River: Best fishing is typically near slack tides
Coquille River: Smallmouth bass fishing has been decent
Elk River: Cutthroat fishing has slowed as water temperatures have increased
Floras Lake: Trout fishing has slowed down
Galesville Reservoir: Fish are likely seeking cooler water in deeper parts of the lake
Garrison Lake: The lake is getting pretty weedy, but boat anglers are still having success
Rogue River- Lower: Fall Chinook fishing has been good in the estuary
Rogue River - Middle: Fall Chinook have started entering the lower river
Rogue River- Upper: The summer steelhead run has been very good this year
North Umpqua River: Summer steelhead fishing is slowing with warmer temperatures
Winchuck River: Cutthroat are scattered throughout the river
Nestucca River: Summer steelhead fishing continues to be fair
Detroit Reservoir: Trout fishing also has been good
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Anglers report fair fishing Crane Prairie

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Tuesday, August 16th, 2022
ODFW announces in-season changes to Pacific halibut sport fishery
Heart Lake: ODFW to host public meetings on plans to treat Heart Lake