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Idaho Fish Report

Best fishing is typically near slack tides

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Anglers can catch rockfish around the jetties in the lower Coos Bay estuary. Best fishing is typically near slack tides. A jig fished with a twister tail trailer is always a good option to catch bottomfish. The daily general marine fish bag limit is 5 fish for the 2022 season with a 1-fish sub-bag limit for China and copper rockfish combined, and 1-fish sub-bag limit for Cabezon. 

Chinook are starting to enter the lower Coos Bay estuary. From July 1 – Dec. 31, salmon anglers are only allowed one wild Chinook for the season in the Coos Basin. The area open salmon fishing, and the harvest of hatchery Chinook is per permanent regulations.  

Trout fishing in streams and rivers is open until Oct. 31. Anglers are restricted to using artificial flies and lures in rivers and streams above tidewater. The main rivers are very warm and anglers will want to fish either in tidewater or go to the smaller headwater streams. If catch-and-release fishing, try the cooler times of the day early and late when stress on fish is lower. Searun cutthroat trout usually enter upper tidewater this time of year.