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Idaho Fish Report

Fall Chinook have started entering the lower river

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Trout fishing is open. There is a 5 fish daily bag limit for adipose fin-clipped (hatchery) trout. Non-adipose fin-clipped trout must all be immediately released unharmed. All Rogue tributaries are closed unless noted in the exceptions.

Wild steelhead retention is closed. Hatchery steelhead retention remains open. Anglers are starting to pick up more summer Steelhead in the middle Rogue area around Gold Hill and Rogue River. Plugs or side drifting would be the best method for these, but spinners will work too.

Fall Chinook have started entering the lower river and a few make it will be making it to the middle Rogue in the next few weeks.

Current flow, temp and turbidity conditions for the Rogue can be found at the USGS stream gauges here, or checking the City of Grants Pass water page’s river data here.